【同义词辨析】 2018-12-10 享受sensuous-epicurean

sensuous: implies gratification for the sake of aesthetic pleasure: the ~ delights of a Rubens painting.    鲁宾斯,荷兰画家1577-1640,擅长神话题材和肖像,以性感女性裸体为特色,如<维纳斯和阿多尼斯Venus and Adonis>

sensual: tends to imply the gratification of the senses or the indulgence of physical appetites as ends in themselves: a man who indulged his ~ appetites.

luxurious: suggests the providing of or indulgence in sensuous pleasure inducing bodily ease and languor and a grateful peace of mind: a vacation devoted to ~ self-indulgence.

voluptuous: implies more strongly an abandonment to sensual or sensuous pleasure for its own sake: promised a variety of ~ pleasures.    abandon失控不克制implies lack of control or restraint,如weep with abandon大声哭,eat with abandon大量吃)

sybaritic: suggests voluptuousness of an over-refined sort, especially with regard to food, drink, and surroundings: indulged in a ~ feast.          不要写成sybaric

epicurean: implies a catering to or indulging in the satisfaction of refined and fastidious physical pleasures: enjoyed a gently ~ way of life.     Epicurus伊壁鸠鲁,古希腊哲学家,提倡享乐主义快乐至上,认为精神无忧无虑是最大的快乐,享乐主义是hedonism) (fastidious挑剔的要求高难讨好very concerned about details,如a fastidious eater口味挑剔的人,嘴巴刁,a fastidious taste in literature要求过高的文学品位)

sensuous美感: 表示美学上的愉悦满足, sensual感官享受(贬): 以满足感官肉体欲望目的,luxurious豪华奢侈: 表示提供愉悦享受,使人舒适慵散安逸,voluptuous奢侈淫逸: 语气更强,无节制的放纵感官享受,sybaritic奢侈而讲究: 表示饮食起居过度讲究,epicurean享乐: 追求精致挑剔的享乐

记忆方法: 1)首字母SSLVSE想成LESS VirtueStrength美德力量减小<==讲究享受    "发上等愿 结中等缘 享下等福"

           2)享受的意思是提供感官满足mean relating to or providing pleasure through gratification of the senses.